

One Word - 2014

Can you believe another year is already over?

I know it's been a while since I've posted, and I do have quite a few things to write about, so you can expect a few posts coming in the next few weeks as we kick off the new year. But there was one thing I needed to come on here and write about before the end of 2013.

I am looking ahead to 2014 and all that God will do in my life this coming year. It's time again for my One Word.

My one word for 2013 was "LEAN".  I was beginning the new year in the wake of a miscarriage, and everything in my life felt overwhelming. I felt that I needed the Lord in ways I never before imagined. I longed for His presence; I longed for His truth.

The song that got me through that time was by Laura Hackett, "You brought me to the wilderness when I will learn to sing. You let me know my barrenness so I will learn to lean."

I really did learn to lean on God in a whole new way in 2013. My husband and I stepped out and said yes to God on something that we had so many questions about. I went through trials and testings that I wasn't necessarily prepared for, but through it all, I learned to lean wholly on the Lord. His affirmation and His peace were my lifelines through difficulties. I leaned on Him. And He gave grace, love, teaching and truth.

This year I'm in a much different place. Time has strengthened me and a lot of healing has happened. We are settled in a new home, a new place with a new ministry. I feel as though this year I am walking into uncharted territory in my parenting. We will be welcoming another child this year (more on that later, I promise!) and we will be walking full fledge into homeschooling 2 children. I am learning to grow in my position as a wife and a homemaker and, as I find myself spinning many plates, I am learning to balance and to juggle.

All of that said: my one word for 2014 is "DISCIPLINE"

This year I want to become a better manager of my home. I want to gain discipline in all areas so that I can create space and time to pursue the things I enjoy, and the things that will bring my family joy. I want to slow down. I don't want to rush around, I want to slow down. And in order to do that, I need to grow in discipline. To make time for the important things, and to lose time for the unimportant. I want to gain the discipline to say no to the things that are unproductive and to say yes to the things that further my missions and my goals as a homemaker. 

So there you have it. Perhaps a little undramatic, but it truly is something I want to build into my life this year.

Thank you to all my faithful readers who stick with me even through the waxes and wanes of my posting. Hopefully through a more disciplined timeline, I will be writing on here much more often :) Look forward to a few posts with some new from me as the year begins! 

Happy New Year everyone!


The Fair Melissa said...

I might have to steal your word :) Absolutely perfect for mommas in our shoes. I'll be praying for you this coming year, my friend!

Jessica Elyse @ Memoirs of a Mommy said...

What a great word! I was just typing up my word for next year. It is so fun to have direction for a year. God works mightily to guide our hearts. I am always amazed at how relevant the words I have become to that year's events.

Congrats on the little one!!!! I can't wait to hear more details.

Liz said...

Love your word friend!

Mrs.NatClem said...

Such wisdom. Discipline is something I have had to grow in and still need to as we homeschool and grow in # here. Just talking about this today with Waylon as the holidays have left me a little....undisciplined. I'm getting on this discipline train with you!