Well, Ladies and Gentlemen... she's finally here! (Actually, she's been here for a week and a half already, I just haven't taken the time to write about it on blogger... let's just say I've been too busy loving on my little girl!)
Peyton arrived on Friday, May 29th at 12:44 pm. The labor wasn't too bad (I say that now, but if you'd asked me then I'm sure I would have said otherwise...) I only labored for 4 hours and 44 minutes! She was born at 6lbs 6oz and 20 inches long...
Here are some pictures:
I'll write more later about the whole experience. I just wanted to make sure you all got to see some photos of my beautiful baby girl! We are settling into our routine now, and getting used to lack of sleep, frequent feedings, smiles, giggles, and burps!!! I couldn't have imagined a greater blessing. Peyton is a miracle!
OOOOOOh she is so cute... congrats you 2.... DID you see I posted THE song for her?
you should check it out and let her listen to it :)
I can't wait to hold her.... I get to right? Well love you
~Rebekah Joy
awwwww! She's BEAUTIFUL!
Glad everything went well!
Love you!
totally forgot to tell you, I downloaded skype! And, I just wanted to look at her again.
your family looks very happy.
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